Amazon Luna Gets 720p Cap Update Aimed At Increasing Stability

Amazon Luna Gets 720p Cap Update Aimed At Increasing Stability

Amazon Luna, the company’s platform for cloud gaming, is receiving a new option for streaming. It will limit the resolution of the stream to 720p. Players with internet connections that are not that fast should have better performance with this option.

Current State Of Amazon Luna

Presently, Amazon Luna supports 1080p streams only. A 4K option is planned to arrive soon. However, even 1080p resolution can result in high latency for internet connections that have problems maintaining the bandwidth demanded by cloud gaming. Gamers can experience not just that but audio issues and lag as well.

However, Amazon has released a statement that users of Amazon Luna can now limit the streams to 720p. The platform is only in early access for now and not available for public use. The option can be found in the settings panel. It is expected to boost performance as such.

Amazon said that this was among the top requested features as it would let users with unique bandwidth demands and internet speeds experience the platform better. The feature is also aimed at helping users whose homes’ internet is capped by data. Comcast has stated that such an imposition will commence in July for its customers.

Amazon Luna had been launched in last year’s fall season under early access. It has one of a kind channel model that is inspired by concepts featured on streaming and cable television.

Nvidia’s GeForce Now requires users to pay a fee to make use of the cloud gaming platform while for Google Stadia, users have to buy the game that they want to stream. Amazon Luna on the other hand is free of charge. However, to access a streamed game, users would have to pay for “channels” that each has their monthly subscription rates.

Currently, only two channels are offered: the Luna Plus at $5.99 for a month and one dedicated to Ubisoft at $14.99 per month.