New Mount & Blade II Review

New Mount & Blade II Review

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord will take players on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC to the ancient battlefields in the hope that they may establish themselves as the Bannerlord after spending the better part of two years in Early Access on PC and Steam. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, which is currently on sale and available for download on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S (totally optimized), PS4, PS5, and PC, will cost you £39.99 before transporting you to a bygone era in which you will attempt to establish your kingdom.

Mount & Blade II Is A Good Game

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, marketed by TaleWorlds Entertainment as an enormously epic adventure, is eagerly awaited, especially considering the positive reviews it received during its Early Access period on Steam. If you’ve been waiting for this, get ready for realism, the excitement of some fierce medieval fighting, a healthy dose of strategy, and all the intricacies that come with it as you explore the massive sandbox world of Calradia.

Yes, Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord takes place on that globe of Calradia, where you seek to lead the country to victory by rising from the rank of a humble warrior to that of an all-powerful, all-conquering warlord. It is up to you how you approach it; you might take the role of a trader, an explorer, a lord of honor, or a potential hero.

Of course, things may go wrong, and you could decide to take the opposing position and live your life as a despot or villain as the empire devolves.

One of the most important games in the genre, the Mount & Blade franchise as a whole has a rich history. We have extremely high expectations for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord to maintain these accomplishments.