Elon Musk Twitter

Elon Musk Twitter Will Monetize API From February 9

To further commercialize the microblogging service, Elon Musk Twitter has announced that beginning on February 9, it will no longer provide free access to the Twitter API and instead introduce a premium version.

The Twitter Developer account has tweeted that the company would no longer update either the v1.1 or v2 versions of its APIs. It has yet to announce the fees that will be associated with using its API.

This comes after Elon Musk Twitter suddenly altered the terms of its API, which was used by a wide variety of Twitter clients. These apps included Tweetbot and Twitterrific. Twitter’s mobile app has been discontinued by most third-party developers.

Elon Musk Twitter Ends Free API

Many other app developers have become wary about advancing work on top of the Twitter API in light of Twitter’s recent revisions, which saw Twitter shut down third-party clients. As a result of this change, some programmers may decide to stop supporting their products or increase prices for consumers.

The Elon Musk Twitter Application Programming Interface (API) is used by thousands of developers for a variety of purposes, including monitoring Twitter accounts for activity and sending notifications when certain criteria are met. People who aren’t actively trying to make money from their side ventures may find these more appealing.

There is also a subset of Twitter API users comprised of academics. Twitter’s latest decision may have implications for studies in a variety of fields, including those examining hate speech and cyberbullying. Twitter is frequently used by academic institutions to analyze regional differences in human behavior. Limiting the number of times a company can use a free API call could help reduce the number of companies trying to circumvent Twitter’s efforts to detect and combat the spread of false information.