
New Gaming Feature From Microsoft For Both WIN 11 And 10: Promises Fast Load Time And Detailed World In Games

Windows games will henceforth ship with DirectStorage. This begins a new age of fast loading times in PC games along with a detailed world. Developers will be able to fully utilize the speed offered by the new storage devices.

Thanks to Microsoft‘s DirectStorage, Games on Windows PCs, especially with Windows 11, will load much faster if the PC is configured with the right storage and graphics hardware. It will be available to all PC games developers. This new storage API hails from the DirectX graphics card technology.

Microsoft first announced in September 2020 that DirectStorage was coming to Windows. It stands among the foremost advancements in the new Xbox Series X console for the PC. This capacity to stream a vast amount of data in lesser time from a super-fast NVMe solid-state state drive to the GPU. You no longer have to rely on the irksome CPU to unzip it first.

Microsoft DirectStorage API Compatible With WIN 10 And 11

Microsoft’s DirectStorage API will be compatible with both Windows 10 and 11, though Microsoft has recommended Windows 11 for gaming.

One interesting feature offered by DirectStorage on the Xbox X is the ‘Quick Resume’ feature. With this, the state of a game is saved allowing a quick restart

But you would have to wait for some time to get your hand on a game that takes complete advantage of the speed of the compatible motherboard and the NVMe 4.0 stick drive, as they are still not available.

The real action starts at the conference for game developers (GMD) on March 23rd when developer AMD and Luminous Productions explain the way they introduced DirectStorage to Forspoken, among the initial showcase tech games. And it could be October before you get Forspoken, as Luminous Productions announced that they decided to move it to that date. Microsoft announced that till then, the company announced, the focus will be on refining the game.

If Windows can succeed in improving the potential of next-gen gaming, they could fulfill a largely unrealized potential.