Square Enix

Square Enix Releases Final Fantasy 7 NFTs

The Final Fantasy 7 NFTs that were teased for almost a year have now been officially revealed by Square Enix. The Japanese publisher and developer maintained their position in 2022 as other video game businesses started to shy away from their intentions to include NFTs in their intellectual creations. A commitment to blockchain technology was made by Square Enix President Yosuke Matsuda in a letter that was published to ring in the New Year of 2022. Final Fantasy 7 would be one of the first IPs to receive the NFT treatment.

A short time after Matsuda’s letter was released, the price of the company’s shares increased by 8% as Final Fantasy fans pleaded with Square Enix to rethink its NFT plans.

Square Enix Releases Final Fantasy 7 NFTs

According to the president of the firm, Square Enix wanted to make gaming more interesting and attract those who would not otherwise be motivated to play traditional games. Final Fantasy 7 Anniversary Art Museum Digital Card Plus, a lengthy name for a set of digital and physical trading cards based on the hugely well-liked Game, which marked its 25th anniversary in 2022, has finally been made public by Square Enix. A total of 207 distinct cards will be available, including 102 standard cards, their premium version foil copies, and three more cards that have not yet been made public.

Since its 1997 debut, Final Fantasy 7 has included “art, imagery, and memorable moments” on trading cards. The products will cost about $3 USD apiece and come in packs of six physical cards and one collector NFT digital card. Square Enix’s North American shop is now currently accepting preorders for a package including 20 physical card packs for $79.80. The Japanese website lists March 31, 2023, as the launch date for these Final Fantasy 7 trading cards. A dedicated website has already gone up where owners may trade or examine their NFTs, and the website further states that the digital cards can be “enjoyed at any time on your smartphone or Desktop.”