While Telegram verification has been available for public figures and organizations, the platform is now introducing a new feature that allows accounts to be confirmed by third-party entities…
Current Telegram Verification Process
The current method for verifying your Telegram account requires you to be a significant public figure or organization. To demonstrate notability, you need to provide links to at least two news articles from credible, English-language outlets about yourself, and verify your identity by including a Telegram link in the bios of at least two other social media platforms:
- TikTok
- YouTube
- VK
- Snapchat
Verification Through Third-Party Organizations
Recognizing that many organizations operate multiple Telegram accounts, the messaging app now permits verified organizations to handle the verification for any additional accounts they maintain.
Third-party verified accounts will feature a new logo next to their names instead of the traditional blue checkmark.
“This decentralized approach for further verification aims to curtail scams and combat misinformation, establishing a new benchmark for social platforms’ safety,” Telegram remarked in a blog entry.
Individuals or organizations seeking authentication must first complete the verification process and submit an application to qualify for the verified status. Telegram mentioned that entities can utilize its Bot API to manage verification assignments or removals.
For instance, a verified DMN account would be able to verify each of its journalists, thereby displaying a DMN logo beside their names. The name of the verifying organization will also be visible.
Image: Telegram
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