On Thursday, WhatsApp unveiled a number of enhancements set to arrive soon for audio and video calls, just in time for the festive season. As stated by Meta, users can look forward to improved call quality along with various new features – read on for a detailed overview of what’s in store.
Upcoming Features for WhatsApp Calls
“WhatsApp calls are achieving growing popularity globally. Currently, more than 2 billion calls are placed on WhatsApp every day. In preparation for the holiday season, we’re rolling out new calling features for both desktop and mobile, making it simpler than ever to connect with loved ones,” Meta explained in a blog entry.
One of the key updates is that WhatsApp will enable users to select specific participants from a group chat to initiate a call, allowing you to reach out to particular individuals without disrupting others. This is noted to be “perfect for organizing surprise parties or gifts,” according to the company. Alongside this, Meta will also introduce new camera effects for video calls, bringing a sense of fun to conversations. New effects include puppy ears, a karaoke microphone, and an underwater filter.
More crucially than the fun effects, Meta emphasizes a commitment to enhancing call quality. They are focused on making the calling experience smoother on desktop, allowing users to more easily initiate calls from WhatsApp on their computers. For video calls, users can expect higher resolution streaming for both individual and group calls.
Recently, Meta confirmed that WhatsApp will cease to be operational on select older models like the iPhone 5s, as the app will now necessitate iOS 15.1 or newer. The platform has also rolled out voice message transcription features to all users.
WhatsApp for iPhone and Mac can be downloaded for free from the App Store. Ensure you have the latest version installed to access the new features.
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